Our Services

Whether your company is just starting their sustainability, ESG or Circular Economy journey or seeking to be an industry leader, we are here to advance and accelerate your business ambitions in this area, from: Advisory, Materiality Assessment, Strategy, Communications to Sustainability / ESG Reporting Standards based on global best practice frameworks.

Circular SOCIETY

Board & Business Advisory

Board, C-Suite and Staff advisory and education on the latest developments in Sustainability and Circular Economy best practices locally and globally.

Summary of specialist topics and case studies can include:

Climate Change Drivers & their Impacts;

Overview of the Local & Global Policy & Regulatory Landscape on Climate Change & Sustainability;

Overview of Sope 1, 2 & 3 GHG Emissions;

Carbon Accounting, Reduction & Offsetting;

Sustainability Principles & Best Practice Frameworks;

Circular Economy Principles & Business Approach;

UN SDGs Principles & Linkages to Sustainability Goals;

Sustainability & ESG Local & Global Best Practice Reporting Frameworks (ie ISSB, TCDF, GRI & SASB); and

Overview of external Assurances & Accreditations; and

Next Gen Tech as a Sustainability Accelerator (ie Digital Product Passports & more).

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Materiality Assessment

A Materiality Assessment is the starting point for all Sustainability & ESG Strategies.

In this process a company undertakes a Stakeholder Analysis followed by a Materiality Assessment (the latter can include a Systems Analysis to identify risks and innovation opportunities).

During this process a company's Material Topics are defined and prioritise in collaboration with key internal and external Stakeholders and include both up-stream and down-stream processes across the value chain and their associated impacts. This includes identification of Scope 1, Scope 2 and where relevant and possible Scope 3 GHG Emissions.

Once Material Topics are defined and prioritised (which can include alignment and integration with relevant UN SDG targets) sustainability strategies, goals, plans, metrics and targets can be defined, set, actioned and measured overtime.

Priortised Material Topics also form the foundation of a Company's Sustainability Reporting, alignment with individual UN SDG targets while also bringing to the fore business risk areas in need of mitigation and adaptation.

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Strategy & Communications

Whether you are just starting your sustainability journey and need to develop your Sustainability Strategy and Plans or you are seeking to review and optimise your Strategy, we can support and guide your business in this process, including:

Setting or reviewing your Company Vision, Mission & Values to integrate Sustainability;

Materiality Assessment across Stakeholder Groups to identify your business' most significant priority Material Topics;

Alignment of priority Material Topics with UN SDGs and Targets;

Carbon Accounting, Reduction & Off-Setting;

Define and setting of goals, transition plans, metrics and targets for all priority Material Topics;

Mapping and review of up-stream and down-stream business processes and identification of circular solutions across the Company's supply / value chain;

Sustainability Marketing and Communication Strategy and Plans (across internal and external stakeholder groups);

External third party assurances and certifications, for example Carbon Neutral, BCorp and ISO (Health & Safety, Quality and Environment Certifications).

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Sustainability & ESG Reporting

Sustainability or ESG Reporting is quickly becoming a mandatory regulatory requirement across industry sectors from a compliance and risk management perspective.

Leading global best practice standards are also emerging rapidly and aligning to ensure standardisation of language and reporting standards to allow for comparability, transparency and a demonstration of organisational accountability.

All businesses irrespective of industry and scale (large multi-nationals to local SMEs), will be required to prepare annual Sustainability Reports to demonstrate their efforts towards reduction and mitigation of Carbon Emissions (GHGs) and other material impacts they may have across their supply / value chain on the environment, society and people, including their human rights.

Through our best practice insights gathering and GRI certifications in sustainability reporting (The world's leading Sustainability Reporting Standards) we are well place to assist your business in the development of best practice Sustainability Reports.

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"Man does not weave this web of life. He is merely a strand of it. Whatever he does to the web he does to himself."

- Chief of the Suquamish & Duwamish Tribes